Friday, October 11, 2024

Citrus Rocks Homemade Trail Mix

 Blog copyright Janet Groene 2024. See Janet Groene’s shortcut recipes and tips for camping at 



Gorp with PEEL Appeal

You’re going green, so you buy fresh fruits and vegetables, right? Don’t throw anything away, not even citrus peels. Instead, use great-grandmother’s recipe to “candy” them. Then use bits in your next gorp for tiny bursts of citrus flavor.

Candied Citrus Peel
    This keeps best in a cool, dry place.  
    1. Pare oranges, grapefruit, lemons or limes, or a mixture of citrus fruits, leaving only the  fruit. Use the fruit for another purpose.
    2. Cut skin in strips about 1/4 inch wide. Cut strips in bits.
    3. Measure 1 ½ cups of these bits.

1 ½ cups citrus peelings, cut in bits
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup sugar
½ cup water
Additional sugar

    Put citrus bits in a bag with the 1/4 cup sugar and shake to coat well. Set aside. Bring 1 cup sugar to a boil in ½ cup water, stirring to dissolve sugar. Turn off heat and add peel, stirring to coat. 

    Let peel stand in sugar syrup until it begins to cool, about 20-30 minutes, then empty into a strainer. Save the syrup to serve over ice cream or use it to flavor a smoothie. 

    Arrange drained citrus bits on waxed paper to dry thoroughly. When bits are dry and crusty, toss with additional sugar and keep in a tightly closed jar to use in gorp.

Citrus Bits Corp

1 package orange, lemon or lime gelatin dessert mix

About 1 cup homemade candied citrus peel bits 

8 cups different square cereals

4 cups round oat cereal

2 to 3 cups roasted soy nuts or nuts of your choice

1 cup natural cashews

    In a large plastic bag, toss cereals, citrus bits and dry gelatin mix. Add nuts. Toss to mix and package in snack bags by the cupful. Makes about 16 one-cup portions. 

Idea: Almost any leftover gorp makes a delicious salad sprinkle. 





See Janet Groene’s shortcut recipes and tips for camping at 




Tip:  When you measure gorp portions into snack bags, slip in an individually packaged wet wipe. 

Be prepared for food emergencies at home or in your boat, camper or cabin. Survival Food Handbook is a guide to provisioning your pantry with affordable, familiar supermarket staples. Save those high-priced survival rations for long-term emergencies. 

    Canned and packaged foods are good travel insurance. Even a day trip  can turn into a longer-than-planned, hungry and even life-threatening adventure. For a book on provisioning  your camper, boat , cabin or fish camp with familiar, affordable pantry foods from the supermarket see Survival Food Handbook, published by International Marine division of McGraw-Hill.




Friday, September 20, 2024

Homemade Trail Mix Saves $

Fruity Rice Cake Gorp

    Miniature rice cakes are filling yet they weigh almost nothing in your backpack or lunch sack.  This low-fat, low-sugar recipe utilizes rice cakes to make a dessert or a snack for the trail or around the campfire.


3 cups plain miniature rice cakes
3 cups caramel flavor miniature rice cakes
3 cups miniature chocolate flavor rice cakes
3 cups miniature colored  marshmallows
3 cups Fruit Loops cereal

    Break rice cakes in two or three pieces. Put everything in a large bag and shake gently to mix well. Package in snack bags by the cupful. Makes 15 one-cup portions.  Keep cool and dry.

See Janet Groene’s simple recipes, tips and shortcuts
for camping, boating and RV travel meals at 

    Canned and packaged foods are good travel insurance. Even a day trip  can turn out longer than planned. See a book on provisioning  your camper, boat , cabin or fish camp with familiar, affordable pantry foods from the supermarket .  Survival Food Handbook  published by International Marine division of McGraw-Hill.






Saturday, July 13, 2024

Save $ With Homemade Trail Mixes

Blog copyright Janet Groene 2024. To place your ad on all six Groene sites for one year, one low rate, email See Groene bio and current travel ideas here and there,  see


Apple Pie ‘n Cheese Gorp

    This nut-free gorp is an anytime snack or pepper-upper and it’s also a satisfying dessert around the campfire.

4 cups small white square cheddar cheese crackers
2 cups Cheddar Cheese Goldfish
4 cups Apple Jack cereal  
2 cups cut up dried  apple rings

    Toss everything together light and package by the cupful in zip-top snack bags. Makes 12 servings of one cup each. Bonus points if you also bring  a shiny fresh apple in your backpack too.

See Janet Groene's shortcut recipes for camping and RV trips at




Be ready for the next hurricane, forest fire, evacuation, shelter-in-place order or other natural disaster with Janet Groene’s Survival Food Handbook. Written for campers and sailors who have limited storage space, its focus is on getting as much food possible for every ounce, inch and  penny.

 It’s a guide to stowing, using and rotating supermarket staples to provision your home pantry, RV or boat for short-term  emergencies, power outages and busy day meals.






In June Jeopardy, #6 in the Yacht Yenta e-book mystery series,  salty widow Farley Halladay finds some possible answers to her husband’s death in a fall from the mainmast of their ketch.  Many questions remain, however, as she struggles to manage her online charterboat booking company, care for her husband’s elderly Navy mentor and manage her wacky, wayward sister.

 Check out Janet Groene's featherweight Thumbnail Recipe of the Week each Friday. You put some stuff in a little plastic bag, take it camping or backpacking, add fire and more stuff, and it's a whole meal



Saturday, May 18, 2024

Homemade Trail Mix Saves the Day

Blog copyright JanetGroene2024. To ask about placing your ad on all six Groene sites for one year, one low rate, email



    Canned and packaged foods are good travel insurance. Even a day trip  can turn into a longer-than-planned, hungry and even life-threatening adventure. For a book on provisioning  your camper, boat , cabin or fish camp with familiar, affordable pantry foods from the supermarket see Survival Food Handbook, published by International Marine division of McGraw-Hill.



Nuts and Twigs Gorp

    This gorp will give your jaws a workout. Have plenty of water on hand and add a crisp apple to make it a meal.

6 cups high fiber cereal with nut clusters and almonds
2 cups bite-size shredded wheat
1 cup each puffed wheat, puffed rice
2 cups slivered almonds
1 cup dried pineapple bits
1 cup dried mango bits



     Put everything in a large, clean bag and shake gently to mix. Package in snack bags and keep cool and dry. Makes 13 portions  of one cup each.


See more of Janet Groene’s shortcut recipes for camping, RV travel, boating and tiny homes at and



Do you love armchair travel that takes you to exotic places?  Farley Halladay is a spunky, 50-ish widow. She’s a beached sailor with an online boat booking business, a fund of galley recipes, a caregiving role for an old Navy SEAL and a best friend who is her partner in crime solving.  

The six-book Yacht Yenta series of e-book cozy mysteries begins with January Justice and ends with June Jeopardy   Read them in any order. From Amazon, Google Play and most other ebook formats.  


Friday, March 8, 2024

Homemade Trail Mix for Budget Travelers

Hiking, Camping, Commuting, Parties And 

Healthful Hush Puppies Hush Money for Kids on Trips



 Jelly Belly Gorp

    Online and in specialty stores you'll find Jelly Belly jellybeans mixed or in one color by the bag. It’s fun to put together a custom mix in your team colors, or theme colors for a bridal shower, or pink and blue for a baby shower, red for Valentine's Day, brown and orange for the Harvest Festival.
    You can also get wild with “recipes” by combining flavors. Here’s just one idea.


Go green for St. Patrick's Day? The Packers? Earth Day?


1 cup each blueberry,  tangerine and pear Jelly Bellys
1 cup toasted marshmallow Jelly Bellys
1 cup Very Cherry chocolate-covered Jelly Belly’s
2 cups miniature marshmallows
4 cups frosted square cereals
2 cups Fruit Loops
3 cups bite size frosted shredded wheat
4 cups pecan halves 

    Put everything in a large, clean bag and jostle gently to mix. Measure by the cupful into plastic snack bags. Makes 20 one-cup portions.

See more of Janet Groene's tips and recipes for camping meals at

Her simple, space-saving foods for the small boat galley are found at  



    Does Dad dream of selling everything and hitting the road in his own home on wheels? Living Aboard Your RV, 4th Edition by Janet Groene and Gordon Groene is a total guide to the full-time life on wheels. Sell the house or rent it out while gone?  Downsize possessions or put them in storage? Too young to retire? There’s a chapter on ways to make a living anywhere. Kids on board? We cover home schooling. Order at any book store or let Amazon gift wrap and ship it for you. 



Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Customize Trail Mix & Save $ when YOU Make it

 Blog copyright Janet Groene 2023.  To ask about placing your ad on all six Groene sites for one year, one low rate, email janetgroene at


 Lotsa Hotsa Chili Gorp

All trail mixes call for lots and lots of drinking water. Double that for this one. It’s also a good choice at the end of the day for a snack with a cold beer.

2 cups small pretzel knots
4 cups square corn cereal
4 cups square rice cereal
4 cups square wheat or mixed grain cereal
2 cups whole, roasted almonds
2 cups whole cashews
2  cup snipped, dried apricots
4-serving packet dry lemon or lime gelatin dessert (regular or sugar free)
1 to 2  tablespoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

     Put pretzels, cereal, nuts and apricots in a large b. Seal, and mix gently. In a small container, mix gelatin, cayenne and chili powder. Add to bag, and shake to mix. Measure by the cupful into individual bags and keep cool and dry. Makes about  20 portions of one cup each.
    Note: Add a packaged wet wipe with each bag so you can clean your hands. Gelatin dessert mix is highly colored.      


Survival Food Handbook is a guide for campers and boaters as they provision with stand-by foods that require no refrigeration.  Storage space is sparse, so focus is on supermarket staples that give the most food value per inch, ounce and dollar while also providing a balanced diet. Even if you’re a seasoned prepper, this book gives you plenty to think about.


See a variety of feature  and how-to articles by Janet Groene for RV travel at



Saturday, September 9, 2023

Seasick? Make Ginger Trail Mix

 Blog copyright Janet Groene 2023. To ask about placing your ad on all six Groene sites for one year, one low rate, email janetgroene at

This blog is about homemade trail mix for all travelers ashore, afoot,  aloft and afloat. When you make customized trail mix, package it individually and keep it in a pocket or backpack, it is the ultimate travel insurance.

Ginger-for-theTummy Gorp

Ginger settles tummies. It's also a sweet, spicy dessert treat. Bake this buttery snack  in one piece, then chop it in bite size to package in individual portions.

Nuts optional

2 cups flour
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 ½ teaspoons cream of tartar
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground ginger
2 sticks butter, softened
1/4 cup milk or cream

    Set the oven for 325 degrees. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Grease a 9 X 13-inch baking pan. Use a pastry blender to cut butter into dry ingredients until mixture is mealy. Stir in milk or cream.  Mixture will be very thick. Add another tablespoon of milk if needed. Spread it evenly in the pan. 

    Use flour-dipped fingers or the back of a spoon dipped in flour to pack it in. Bake 25 minutes or until golden. Cool 5 minutes and cut in small squares with a sawtooth knife. Then cool completely before taking squares out of the pan.
    Eat plain or dunk in ginger lemon tea. Nuts add flavor and crunch but aren't recommended  for someone who is seasick. 



See Janet Groene’s shortcut recipes and tips for camp and RV cooking at Camp And RV Cook.


Be ready for the next hurricane, forest fire or other natural disaster with Janet Groene’s Survival Food Handbook. Unlike doomsday prepper books it’s a guide to stowing, using and rotating supermarket staples to provision your home pantry, RV or boat for brief emergencies, power outages and busy day meals.